Take a deep dive into allegorical tales that inspire growth and transformation. A captivating narrative inviting readers to explore the depths of Lében. In the intricate world of Lében, the Iris family weaves a tale of resilience, survival, and the pursuit of a better world. From the destruction of the Electric Forest to the scars of ScarCity, the family’s odyssey explores themes of the ego, inclusiveness, and the interconnectedness of life.
Join the Iris family on a visually immersive journey through a world where hope flickers even in the darkest corners.
Fictional World Stories That Serve Humanity--Read Now!
AS With𝑖𝑛, so With𝗢𝗨𝗧
The Art of Transformative Storytelling—Designing Positive, Impactful Secular Messages for Social Cohesion
Explore Allegorical Narratives of Spiritual Growth, Personal Development, and Philosophical Inquiry. Make Life WORTHWHILE—Invest in Higher Purpose!
Water, Nurture, and Grow Your Knowledge Garden—Shape Culture Through the Stories You Tell
“At the Garden” is a captivating introductory tale spanning five chapters and 5,000 words, offering a glimpse into the different facets of this growing narrative. Take a deep dive into the allegorical tale of Lében, where key moments from its fictional world come vividly to life. Let’s make life WORTHWHILE—invest today with a higher purpose.
Invest with higher purpose--Read and Tell!
Unveil Secrets in the Garden of Lében—Follow the Journey on Social Media
Time2bloom art book anthology | 2025 edition
MelissAllegories is showcased as the debut series in the 2025 Edition of the Time2Bloom Art Book Anthology.
Don’t Miss a Thing→Follow on sOCIAL mEDIA
Melissa is sharing thought-provoking insights and excerpts from the ever-growing allegorical tale of Lében via social media. Continue supporting her on this journey! Follow along on Instagram, Threads, and Facebook for more insights and excerpts from this unfolding narrative.
Inspiring, Educational, and Entertaining Allegorical Stories That Enable Growth—The Creative Sage! |
“Blood baths” were sacred! Once upon a time these great ideas were thought of as for the greater good, but the greater good meant different things throughout history. We need positive and impactful, secular messages for social cohesion.
Our beliefs are at the premises of our actions which are formed when we “assimilate” or make sense of our experiences, then “accommodate” or develop a new mental map. Our underlying beliefs are held in our subconscious mind which is a million times more powerful than our conscious mind through habit formation. Catch limiting beliefs and release and replace them, then reflect and reprogram (to continuously grow)! It is our inalienable right--as human beings—to cultivate the soil we share so that we all are given the chance to grow gracefully, thus sharing our different strengths of greatness or brilliance with one another with authenticity and harmony.
Melissa Allegories intricately weaves the art of transformative storytelling with the use of allegoría (ἀλληγορία), a literary device known for its veiled and figurative language. Within our artful, allegorical visual-and-creative writings, she masterfully blends imagery with diverse artistic techniques to compose allegorical stories that are both enchanting and enigmatic. Our gradually expanding body of work, known as “MelissAllegories,” is a profound exploration of themes such as personal growth, enlightenment, contemplation, discernment, the delicate balance between protection and power, the art of decoding mysteries, and the embrace of ambiguity and the unknowable.
At its core, each realm introduces a unique setting with its own central characters, all intricately interwoven to convey a multitude of metaphors that collectively explore secular principles and values. “At the Garden” is at the forefront and takes precedence over the other worlds in Lében. This body of work unfolds across five distinct realms within one interconnected world called Lében (German for Life): “At the Garden,” “The Deep Sea,” “Caged City,” “Inside the Cave,” and “The Electric Forest.” Our founder, Melissa Allegories, gracefully incorporates a diverse hybrid cast of human animals, mammals, and sea creatures into this fictitious unifying world. Inspired by real-life experiences to create visual and authored fictitious stories, the journey has thus become a byproduct!
Fictional World Stories That Serve Humanity—Delve into Our Latest Collection!
The visual arts possess a unique power to transcend linguistic barriers and encapsulate timeless truths. The crucial role of storytelling through visual mediums nurtures understanding and fosters personal growth in profound ways. From its allegorical tale, “At the Garden,” our illustrations vividly capture significant moments in Lében, a fictitious world created with a higher purpose.
The visual arts possess a unique power to transcend linguistic barriers and encapsulate timeless truths. The crucial role of storytelling through visual mediums nurtures understanding and fosters personal growth in profound ways. From its allegorical tale, “At the Garden,” our illustrations vividly capture significant moments in Lében, a fictitious world created with a higher purpose.
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Curated Events, Exhibitions, Art Fairs, and Show Openings--Dates and times vary throughout the year and will be announced as scheduled for bespoke limited editions. Occasionally check our website or follow us on social media for updates.
Curated Events, Exhibitions, Art Fairs, and Show Openings--Dates and times vary throughout the year and will be announced as scheduled for bespoke limited editions. Occasionally check our website or follow us on social media for updates.